- 1918.5
- The company was established for the purpose of manufacturing various kinds of rubber products.
- During WW2
- Designated a munitions factory by the Japanese Army and Navy.
- 1950.12
- Patent for "SAKURA FIRE HOSE" registed.
- 1951.5
- Sakura passed National Fire Prevention Board Specifications inspection.
- 1954.12
- Approval issued to Sakura for hoses and rubber products for aircraft that conform to the Specifications of the Ministry of Transportation by Aeronautical Enterprise Law.
- 1962.6
- Entered into a technical agreement with Kirkhill Rubber Company of the USA, and started manufacturing "Jet Starter Ducts" and "Air Ducts" under license.
- 1964.3
- listied on the 2nd Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
- 1964.10
- Entered into a technical agreement with Resistoflex of the USA, and started manufacturing "PTFE hose" under license
- 1965.11
- ntered into a technical agreement with Anchor Coupling Inc. of The USA, and production of Hydraulic hoses and couplings.
- 1970.1
- Sasazuka Plant receives permission to use JIS mark on high-pressure hose.
- 1970.2
- Entered into a technical agreement with Hitco of the USA, and started manufacturing "Insuration Blankets" fir aircraft under license.
- 1973.4
- First phase construction of Ohtawara plant completed.
- 1974.10
- Construction of New Head Office Building completed.
- 1974.11
- Consolidation of Nagoya, Sasazuka and Nakano plants into Ohtawara plant initiated.
- 1977.3
- Consolidation into Ohtawara plant completed.

Aerial View of Ohtawara Plant.Aerial View of Ohtawara Plant.
- 1977.12
- Capital stock increased to 506 million yen.
- 1978.9
- Entered into a technical agreement with Resistoflex of the USA, and started manufacturing "Dynatube Fitting" under license.
- 1982.10
- Entered into a technical agreement with Kirkhill Rubber Company of the USA, and started manufacturing "Inflatable Seal" under lincese.
- 1983.9
- Started manufacturing lightweight fire hose.
- 1984.12
- Full-scale participation in rocket projects.
- 1985.6
- Started manufacturing lightweight suction hose.
- 1986.1
- Started manufacturing lightweight oil-resistant hose.
- 1989.1
- Entered into a technical agreement with Parker Hannifin Stratoflex of the USA, and started manufacturing lightweight rubber hose for aircraft.
- 1989.4
- Started production of car air conditioner hose for alternate refrigerant(R-134a).
- 1989.7
- Kanagawa plant founded. Started as a hydraulic hose assembly plant.
- 1990.1
- Production of composite parts approved by Boeing Company of the USA.
- 1990.11
- テSakura granted its engineering know-how for the production of car air conditioner hose for alternate refriferant (R-134a) to Codan Gummi A/S of Denmark.
- 1995.1
- IFEX impulse Fire Extinguishing Gun placed on sale.
- 1997.5
- Started manufacture of phenol CFRP for Sapce application.
- 1999.1
- U.S. patent garanted for TWINSTAR Coupling.
- 1999.2
- ISO 9001 certification obtained.
- 2000.6
- TWINSTAR Coupling exhibited at the German International Exhibition for Fire and Catastrophe Prevention "InterSHUTZ 2000 - DERROTE HANN".
- 2001.5
- Started manufacturing Unisex Quick Connect Couplings "Sanitary TWINSTAR" for food processing and chemical industry.